Being Enough

Being Enough

Pre-kids I never thought I would choose staying home over going to work.  But after having my second child I knew that home was where I wanted to be and my husband and I were fortunate that I was able to be off work.  However, five years later both kids will be in school full-time and my extended leaves have finally run out.

Which means it’s back to work.  Cue the tears.

There are so many fears with going back to work after being gone for so long. Will I be enough?

Enough of a mom.
Enough of a wife.
Enough of a teacher.
Enough of a friend.

I feel silly complaining or stressing about something that lots of my friends have been doing all along.  And I know that I will eventually fall into the same routine.  But the fears are there.

How do you find balance?

2 thoughts on “Being Enough

  1. “Balance” is a tricky word….& everyone uses it like it’s an easily defined goal.
    I find the “balance” I need changes all the time, BUT if I manage to remember what’s important to me, & what “right” looks like (to me), & I try and be more energy giver than energy sucker it usually works itself out.
    You are too smart & too strong NOT to find the balance that works for you…..most of the time! 😝

    1. Such a good point about the “balance” changing. I’m a stickler for routine, but I think that’s something I’ll need to allow movement on. And great reminder about the Energy sucker Vs. Energy giver That’s one I need to remember!

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